2024 NANOS conference
Its great to see the research community interested in brain tumours and flourishing with their own united Society now in New Zealand.
We are convinced that awareness and research are two key factors in improving the ‘brain tumour journey’.
We are delighted that two of the researchers we have supported- Dr Tania Slatter and Thomas Park are instrumental in making this happen. Below is the upcoming programme for this year’s conference. A website will soon be available for registration and we wish them the very best for a successful and illuminating conference.

Saturday 8 June
1215-1300 | Lunch and registration |
1300 -1315 | Welcome |
1315-1415 | Patient focus |
1315-1325 | Update on Brain Tumour Support NZ – Chris Tse |
1325-1340 | Raising a Child with Craniopharyngioma – Sarah Verran (caregiver) |
1340-1355 | Living With a Low Grade Brain Tumour |
1355-1410 | The Impact of a Glioblastoma Diagnosis |
1405-1425 | Afternoon tea |
| Tumours |
1425-1455 | Keynote – Integrated Morphological and molecular diagnosis of glial tumours, Dr Laveniya Satgunaseelan, Neuropathologist, RPA, Sydney |
1455-1525 | Keynote – The integration of trials into neuro-oncology, past, present and future, Associate Professor Eng-Siew Koh, Sydney |
1525-1555 | Panel – Developing brain tumour research in New Zealand |
1555-1605 | Break |
1605-1625 | GMRI – Research projects Targeting Cancer Stem Cells with Repurposed Drugs in Glioblastoma Organoid Models Freya Weth, PhD Student, GMRI, Wellington
Exploring the hormonal influence and sex-specific effects on drug metabolism in meningothelial and atypical meningioma” Clara López, PhD Student, GMRI, Wellington |
1625-1645 | Do no harm: Treatment of GBM in the elderly, Rosanna Rahman, Neurosurgical Research fellow and GP/Proceduralist, Wellington |
1645-1700 | New mouse glioblastoma model has highly immune suppressed phenotype: Lessons for immunotherapy – Devlin Forsythe, PhD student, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington |
1700-1730 | AGM and close |
LSunday 9 June
0845-0850 | Welcome |
| Low grade tumours |
0850-0910 | Low grade tumours from a radiological perspective, Slavka Kudrnova |
0910-0930 | Identifying novel gene dependencies in IDH1 mutant glioma using functional genomics, Dr Dean Singleton, Cancer biologist based at the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, University of Auckland
0930-0950 | Management of IDH-mutant gliomas Catherine Han, medical oncologist and a senior lecturer |
0950-1010 | The management of Cranioparyingioma from a neurosurgical perspective, Abinav Jain, Neurosurgical registrar, Wellington Hospital, Wellington |
1010-1030 | Morning tea |
| Tumours |
1030-1050 | Ketogenic diet in GBM – an update, Matthew Phillips, Neurologist, Waikato. |
1050-1110 | High-grade brain tumour drug discovery, Thomas Park, Senior research fellow, The centre for brain research, University of Auckland.
1110-1140 | Student projects Digital diagnosis Stromal cell signalling in GBM Multiplex IHC for GBM protein marker expression |
1140-1200 | Posters 1) Addressing factors of Glioblastoma therapy contributing to recurrence, Jasmine White, PhD Student, GMRI 2) Unlocking Therapeutic Potential: Repurposed Drugs & Sex Effects in Meningioma, Dr Matt Munro Postdoctoral Researcher, GMRI 3) How are stromal cells involved in the response to radiation therapy? – Danielle Lewthwaite, research assistant, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington 4) Can BCL6 drive tumour formation in brain cancers? – Naychi Myo Min, Masters student, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington |
1200-1220 | Quick break |
1220-1240 | Planning and Reconstruction for Craniofacial/ skull base tumours, Agadha Wickremesekera, Neurosurgeon and Charles Davis, Plastic Surgeon, Wellington. |
| Paediatrics |
1240-1300 | Brain tumours through the lens of a paediatric Neurosurgical Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Stephanie Moore, paediatric neurosurgical CNS, Auckland city hospital, Auckland |
1300-1320 | Diagnosis of paediatric tumours, Dr Mags Strauss, Pathologist, Auckland Hospital |
1320-1330 | Close |